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Fantastic Fiction, Pleasing Prose

Hannah Prewett

Updated: May 18, 2020

So, I’m not exactly sure what happened to the month of August here on the blog. All I know is between vacations and starting the girls at a new school, the past month sped by with little time for blogging. I hope you were all able to catch some of my pictures on Instagram and Facebook to tide you over.

But on to the present. 😉

Every month, I’d like to talk about some of my favorite new book finds. I’ll focus on books that are based in fantasy or fairy tale, but if I come across books in another genre that are too good to keep to myself, I might feature those as well (hence the “pleasing prose” part of the title). 🙂 Most of the books we discuss will probably fall into the YA (young adult) category, simply because that is where I find most of the types of books I like to read. 😉

This month’s featured title is Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George. I came across this little gem while at the library, looking for books for the summer reading program my girls and I took part in. I picked it up with my girls in mind, but read it first. I’m so glad I did!

From the first sentence, I was hooked. George’s light, humorous writing style kept me wanting to read more about Creel, the young female protagonist, and her dragon friends.

This book did something that fantasy and fairy tale books I love often do: it turned the typical fairy tale trope on its ear. We’ve all heard of brave knights fighting dragons to save fair maidens. But what if the fair maiden is forced into the situation by her family, and what if the dragon is annoyed at having some random girl show up at his cave entrance? What if she’s not a princess, but a commoner, and the prince of the land is a total jerk?

I know the phrase “I couldn’t put it down” is highly overused, but I honestly felt that way about this book. If you love dragons or fantasy stories, you’ll love this one.

Dragon Slippers has two sequels, Dragon Flight and Dragon Spear. I’ve finished Dragon Flight and am in the middle of Dragon Spear. While all three are enjoyable, the first book was my favorite for its unique story and lovable characters. My favorite character was Shardas, Creel’s closest dragon friend.

What are some of your new favorite books?

You can find Dragon Slippers on Amazon HERE, and you can visit Jessica Day George’s author website HERE.

This book review is not sponsored, and there are no affiliate links. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

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